I’ve recently been working on a bot framework for 37signals’ Campfire web chat system. We use Campfire at work and it’s been great for having fun together and increasing team cohesiveness.
Having a bot in the room is also good for random quotes, Chuck Norris facts and comic strips. We also plan to add a few useful work-related things, such as git & subversion commit messages and server monitoring alerts.
The bot is plugin-oriented and easy to extend. Check out the code on github. It’s still in flux and I would love to hear any feedback.
This afternoon I hacked together a little plugin to report the Beijing olympics medal tally, thanks to an idea of Sean’s. The code is highly specific, but it shows how easy (and fun!) it is to add a command to the bot and scrape data off the web using hpricot.
Here it is:
require 'open-uri'
require 'hpricot'
class BeijingTally < PluginBase
on_command 'tally', :tally
def tally(msg)
output = "#{'Pos.'.rjust(6)} - #{'Country'.ljust(25)} - G - S - B - Total\n"
rows = ((Hpricot(open('http://results.beijing2008.cn/WRM/ENG/INF/GL/95A/GL0000000.shtml'))/'//table')[1]/'tr')[2..-1]
rows.each_with_index do |row, i|
cells = row/'td'
output += "#{strip_tags_or_zero(cells[0].inner_html).rjust(6)} - " # position
output += "#{((i == rows.length - 1) ? '' : strip_tags_or_zero(cells[1].inner_html)).ljust(25)} - " # country
output += "#{strip_tags_or_zero(cells[-5].inner_html).rjust(3)} - " # gold
output += "#{strip_tags_or_zero(cells[-4].inner_html).rjust(3)} - " # silver
output += "#{strip_tags_or_zero(cells[-3].inner_html).rjust(3)} - " # bronze
output += "#{strip_tags_or_zero(cells[-2].inner_html).rjust(3)}\n" # total
# Take away the HTML tags from the string and insert a '0' if it is empty
def strip_tags_or_zero(str)
(out = str.gsub(/<\/?[^>]*>/, "").strip).blank? ? '0' : out